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In order to make the class run smoothly, there are a few housekeeping details you should take care of before we go any farther. These will help to ensure that the class runs smoothly and that everybody is working within the same environment.

Logging In
If necessary, read the tutorial on logging into your Linux account.
Emacs Configuration File
We will be using a text editor called emacs to edit programs in this class. To ensure that it is set up the same for everyone, you should download the following configuration file and save it in your home directory (your home directory has the same name as your course account.) If you are viewing this document from a browser on a Linux machine, you can simply right-click on the link above and select Save As to save the file. This will bring up a window asking where you want to save the file; it should come up in your home directory by default. Make sure the file is named .emacs when you save it.
File Management
At this point you may wish to continue to the tutorial on file management.