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For some assignments, you will be required to submit a typescript file -- i.e., a file containing the exact text of your interaction with the program that you wrote. This is easy to create: the script command will begin capturing in a file everything typed or output to the system terminal. To end the capture, use the exit command.

The point of submitting a typescript of your work is to provide a clean presentation of your program in action. To that end, there are a few things you should avoid during a logged session because they create unattractive or garbled results. Use of arrow and/or delete keys during the recorded session will be captured as unattractive escape-sequences in the log file. If you accidentally use these keys, please delete the typescript and make a clean one. Also, you should avoid the use of emacs.

The captured log will be in a file called typescript by default. To use a different filename, simply provide it to script as a command-line argument:

script myscript

Of course, you can also rename typescript after the fact.

On Aurora

The best place to create the typescript is on one of our Unix hosts ( or one of the lab computers running Linux) right before you submit the assignment. This will demonstrate that your program compiles and runs under the same system I will use to grade it. You can do it from the same command prompt you use to submit.

Short video showing the creation of a typescript file on aurora.

On Windows

If you are working on a Windows machine and want to make a typescript there, you will need to install the Cygwin package, which gives you access to a Unix-like shell terminal window. During installation make sure you select the util-linux package, under the Utilities category.

On Mac

Since Mac offers a unix-style command line via its Terminal program, you should be able to prepare a typescript by running it and then following the instructions above.