
Quizzes for Analytical Engine

There is one quiz per Module. If this is your first time using the quizzes, follow the instructions.

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Module 1: History of Computing
Module 2: Local Applications
Module 3: Global Implications
Module 4: System Design
Module 5: Programming
Module 6: Program Translation
Module 7: Hardware
Module 8: Theory of Computation
Module 9: Artificial Intelligence
Module 10: Computers and Society

Choose a chapter quiz from the index. For each question, choose an answer. Your score will be updated, and you'll get feedback in the score area. You may check other choices once you have answered a question, but this will not affect your score. To reset your score, return to this page and press the "Reset Score" button.

If you encounter error messages, try reloading this page and starting over, or restart your browser. If you have not already, uncheck the "before accepting a cookie" box in your Network Preferences/Protocol window so that you don't get alerted at every question. Note: If you are using Internet Explorer 2.1, you will get feedback, but your score will not be tracked. You may run into errors if using these quizzes in Netscape Navigator 2.0. Use of the latest version of Navigator/Communicator is therefore recommended.

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