
Lab 10.1: Let's Get Virtual


There's not much to conducting the Module 10 lab exercises - it's more a matter of participating in them. In these exercises we place you in a multi-user domain1 (or, "MUD") that allows you to interact, albeit indirectly, with anyone else who has access to the program. This particular MUD allows you to record your votes for some of your favorite (and least favorite) things. You will also be able to review the likes and dislikes of people from all over the world, on a region-by-region basis. This type of interaction illustrates many of the topics addressed in the text. First, it places you in a virtual community2. Second, it makes it clear that virtual communities have no physical boundaries.

1p. 337
2pp. 54, 65, 337

  1. To participate in our MUD, all you have to do is click on one of the available categories (Places, Huh?, Sounds, or Words), and then click on a particular question within that category. At that point you are free to respond to the question, and thus add your vote to the ongoing tally, or simply to review the responses of other members of the community. You even have the opportunity to influence the community in the sense that you can suggest categories and questions that should be added for future interactions.

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