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Ideas from Other Competitions

Smith Robots

Shana's Robot Page This is good for help with beginning the robot process. Shana started working with Handy Board robots as part of a special studies project. Her page has many useful tips and pointers with good details.

Links to Abington Robots

these are useful for ideas and more pointers.

Penn State Abington Engineering 297: Honors Mobile Robot Design
Penn State Abington Engineering 297H: Mobile Robot Design

Other Robot Pages

The MIT Handy Boad page. It has news and a FAQ among their resources.

The Handy Board newsgroup

The Seattle Robotics Society: First Steps

The Utrect University robot page. It features people working with Lego robots.

UMass CompSci 503: Embedded Systems. This page features links, resources, and robot projects.

Build The Lego Bug. This was the inspiration for the first incarnation of Neil.

Nepenthe-Robot Stuff. Robot ideas using a Lego/Handy Board combination.

The DocBot A rather sophisticated robot that displays the use of many different sensors.

Tons and tons of links.


Where to buy parts:

we bought all of our non-prepackages parts from ACRONAME robotics.

Books to use:

Mobile Robots: Inspiration to Implemenation by Joseph L. Jones, Bruce A. Seiger & Anita M. Flynn. I found the most valuable resource in this book to be a list of suppliers of all lots of parts (available also at Acroname and in Ileana's office)

Sensors for Mobile Robots: Theory and Applicatation by H. R. Everett. Also in Ileana's office