CS 330
Oracle FAQ's

  1. Every user I create (with Create User (name) Identified by .....) has un-revokable dba privileges. In theory, each created user has to be granted SPECIFIC PERMISSIONS to even be able to log in, let alone select, insert, delete etc from a table let alone create new users. Nope. Every one of my users has the same power as the DBUSER account. If create a user (both under dbuser and Haley, an account I created for myself), she can access every table in the database (your tables as well as my tables) no matter what restriction I assign her. I can GRANT her permissions, and revoke THOSE permissions, but I cannot revoke the inherent privileges automatically has.

    Yes, there was a problem. Someone must have granted DBA role to the CONNECT role, which is essential for each user to exist and allows you to connect to the database and open a session. I just revoked that role form CONNECT. If anyone needed this, please grant DBA separately to your user.

    Also, if you would like your users to be able to create tables, views, synonyms, but you don't want them to have DBA privileges, grant them the RESOURCE role. The CONNECT role doesn't allow them to create tables, etc.