CS 330
Homework 5
Due: 10/21/99 before class.

Getting started with Oracle

The purpose of this homework is to get everybody started on Oracle. Since this software laid covered by dust (so to say) for two years, until it was revived again for our use in this class this semester, there are more things that you will have to discover on your own, than things that I can teach you about it!!!

So for the next few weeks, you will have to figure out many many things on your own. Your tools: the Oracle documentation, available on-line; the books, which I will leave in McConnell 209 (where the Oracle server is); common sense and usage of what you have learned so far about SQL and SQL security; and some CBT (Computer Based Training) units that came with Oracle. All this, with the full privileges of an account with DBA power.


This week: getting started

Ileana Streinu