CS 330
Oracle CBT assignments

Oracle Computer Based Training


In lieu of homework assignments, for the next 2-3 weeks you will have to learn Oracle on your own. The Computer Based Training units that came with the software, plus your own familiarity at this point with SQL, should allow you to do this relatively smoothly. However, since this is the first time we are using the software and many unexpected things could happen, I will ask you to:

What to do

I have left the first three sets of CBT diskettes in McConnell 209, by the server. They are already installed on skor, but if the workstation is already used by someone else, you should install them on some machine downstairs, in McConnell 104.

The first ones are two "courses" on Database Administration and one on SQL. You should start with database administration. You should become familiar with the software installed on skor (available from the Start menu) and figure out which component does what. Some of the components of Oracle are invoked in different ways from those described in the CBT (e.g for administration), but you should be able to figure that out. To verify that you can apply the concepts detailed in the CBTs, I will ask you to: Next week I will install the other units (dealing with forms, reports, etc.) on the server and make the disketets available to you for installation on the clients.

You should email me when things don't work, or when you cannot figure out things, but only after talking with your classmates. I would like to start a Frequently Asked Questions file for these problems, and therefore I ask you to send me email as soon as you figure out how to do something that was particularly challenging to figure out. These contributions will count for your grade.

Other than this, the only thing you should probably know is how to use Oracle from the clients in McConnell 104 (on the server it is straighforward).

What to turn in each week

A reminder: this is a 4-credit course, and you are expected to spend about 8 hours per week, on average, with class preparation. I expect the work to be a bit more for the first week, then slow down, then increase again as you start working on your projects and then it should be realatively steady to the end. Do NOT postpone the CBT courses and starting on the project until the very last minute. Although I will not grade your work for the next couple of weeks, I will keep track of what you are doing, and take that into account for the final grade.

More precisely: if you do not turn in satisfactory status reports each week, but eventually will do A-level work for the project, there will be no penalty. But if you do have problems while debugging the project and are in danger of getting a less-than-perfect project, and if I am aware that you started early and did the Oracle training satisfactorily, then I will take that into account and assist you with the final debugging and possibly grant a 1-2 day extension. If you didn't do the training in time, and started late on your project and did poorly, you will not be granted any extension or special assistance, and will be graded accordingly.

Hints, and what to do the first time

Ileana Streinu