Spring 1998
Ileana Streinu

Course Requirements


This is NOT a Programming Intensive Course, but it is not recommended for students without any prior programming experience. It is NOT a mathematics class, but is not recommended for students without mathematical confidence and abstract thinking abilities.

No specific mathematics prerequisites are assumed beyond high-school mathematics and a minimum of Discrete Math and Data Structures background, although Calculus, Linear Algebra or any advanced Math or CS classes are a plus.


The final exam will be during the exam period. The in-class midterm and the final are closed book and will test general understanding of concepts and algorithms taught in class. The take-home components are small problem sets similar to those assigned for homework throughout the semester, and are open book.


General Grading Guidelines

Homework has to be submitted in time. Written solutions to problems sets should be legible and neat, or will not receive the full grade. Assigned work for which a paper or web page is required should be submitted electronically by the deadline and (if applicable) the read permissions set on. No late homework is accepted if the solutions have been discussed in class or made public by other means. Each student is entitled to three free late days, beyond which there will be a penalty on the grade. Occasionally I might recommend simple exercises for enhancing the understanding of the concepts done in class. Those will not be graded, but might be discussed during the problem sessions on Fridays and occasional quizzes based on them might be expected.
Last modified January 25, 1998.