Spring 1998
Ileana Streinu

Course Announcements


Joe O'Rourke

I am seeking a student to do some Java implementations this summer, possibly starting this Spring. The task is to implement Java applets for existing C code. I will seek summer support through the College's program by submitting a proposal by February 13th. The stipend is $3300 for 10 weeks.

The programs to be implemented are all computational geometry programs, those associated with the second edition of my textbook. Because of the topic, it would be ideal to find someone who will take CSC 274 Computational Geometry this Spring, although that is not a necessity. However, I do need someone who already has Java experience.

Lilla Zollei (from Mt. Holyoke) started this project last summer. To see what I have in mind, look at the first-draft applet she developed:

(this can be reached also from my home page Feel free to write Lilla at to get a better feel for the work.

This position is something less than a pure research fellowship; it has elements of a programming job, in that there is a specific task to be accomplished. However, it will be challenging and I hope interesting, and the specific task should consume only about half of the allotted time. I expect the remainder will lead into research topics of a similar nature.

Because of the College's February 13th deadline, I need to hear from students by Monday February 9th at the latest. Call (x3673), write (, or visit (McConnell 212) if you are interested or have questions.

--Joe O'Rourke

Summer Research Opportunities through Smith Summer Programs

Ileana Streinu

Anybody taking the Computational Geometry course, or with equivalent background, who is interested in a summer research experience through the Smith funded summer program, please contact Ileana Streinu at The deadline for the Schultz fellowship is February 13, 1998. This is ONLY for students interested in research: it is NOT a summer job. The successful candidate will work closely with me for 10 weeks during the summer on a problem related to my research in Computational Geometry, possibly involving Java programming.
Department announcements
Last modified on January 25, 1998.