An Effiecient Algorithm for Finding a Collision-Free Path Among Polyhedral Obstacles - Li-Chen Fu and Dong-Yueh Liu








Please enable Java for an interactive construction (with Cinderella). Begin by defining a straight line from start vertex 'S' to terminal vertex 'T'.


Please enable Java for an interactive construction (with Cinderella). Position obstacle1, O1, where it belongs and if O1 overlaps segment ST, then delete segment ST and create segments SiOi and TiOi where i is a vertex in O1, for all i if visible to S or T.



Please enable Java for an interactive construction (with Cinderella). Continue for all Oi in a list of obstacles performing visibility graph algorithm only when each additional Oi overlaps an existing segment.


Please enable Java for an interactive construction (with Cinderella). The end result will be a subvisibility graph which will work on only the obstacles that are in the direct path of segment ST, thereby reducing the overall complexity of the free space to a "sub" smaller free space.