Ileana Streinu


There is no required textbook. I recommend that you use:

  1. Any book on Java, as a reference. I like:
    Cay Horstmann
    Big Java
    John Wiley and sons, 2002
  2. Any book on data structures, as a reference. A good one using Java is:
    Lewis and Chase
    Java software structures
    (designing and using data structures)
    second edition
    Pearson Addison Wesley, 2005

On-line Resources

  1. Java 1.4.2 library reference
  2. Java Swing tutorial
  3. Java Tutorial for C++ programmers , Rebecca Hasti at University of Wisconsin.
  4. Another Java Tutorial from University of Wisconsin.
  5. Java AWT Tutorial, David Arnow and Gerald Weiss at Brooklyn College. Slides. Using JDK 1.1.
  6. HTML and Java Tutorials
  7. Java Library Reference
  8. Java Glossary
  9. Javadoc
  10. Jar
  11. Ant User Manual
  12. JGraph
  13. . A graph editor.
  14. Java coding conventions
  15. Checkstyle
  16. Jalopy, source code formatter
  17. Bluemarsh graphmaker
  18. GML and graphlet, a graph editor