CS 112a
Fall 2000
Ileana Streinu

Lecture 5

Today: Hands-on lab, array applications and preparation for Hw3

Reading: Game of Life handout.
Web page with the Game of Life, including program in C.

The goal of this lab is:

To do

    Write C++ functions for (as many as you can of) the following tasks:
  1. Read a game of Life configuration from user input. The input should be presented as a sequence of characters: dots '.' for empty cells and x's for occupied cells. You should enter one row per line, ending in a * character (which will not be entered in the internal array, but rather acts as a delimiter to simplify the reading function). The number of columns is the number of characters in the first row (if the user makes a mistake later, you should check that). The number of rows of your Life game is the number of lines you enter. Finish with a # character on the last line.
  2. Print a Life configuration on the standard output. This has to be done in a nicely readable manner, each row on a separate line.
  3. Count the number of cells which are alive in a given Life configuration.
  4. Copy a Life configuration from an array a into another array b.
  5. Given two Life configurations a and b, compare to see if they are the same.
To test these functions, you will write a main program which asks the user what to do, then depending on the choice, will execute one of the preceeding functions or quit. You should allocate two arrays in the main program, and offer the user the option to enter data in configuration 1 or configuration 2, print one of them, copy and compare them. The options should be:
Hint: start by writing the main program and provide empty functions for the 5 desired ones. Then implement each function, one by one, in the logical order which will allow you to test them.


You should develop your program in stages, keep intermediate versions and submit the latest working version in Lab5, before leaving the lab at 10:20. Name the file lab5.cpp and submit a typescript, too.

You should moderately comment your program, write on it the names of both lab partners, if you didn't work alone, and relax: the lab will not be harshly graded. I want to see what each of you (or teams) can do when working under time pressure.

After the lab: you can continue working and thinking about ways of completing this lab, but do not submit anything. Use the work done in the lab to complete Homework 3.
Overview of homework 3: the Game of Life.