CS 112
Hw 9

Due Monday 20 Nov. 2000, by midnight

Notice deadline!

List implementation of Stacks

Implement a Stack abstract data type using a linked list (instead of an array). Then recompile the arithmetic expressions homework (Hw 6) using this new stack. Part of this homework was started during the lab this week. Here are all the steps.

References and how to proceed

The purpose of this homework is to illustrate code reuse and the advantages of an object-oriented design of a program, whereas changing the implementation of a class should not affect the implementation of the programs which used objects/methods from that class.

To submit

Submit in Hw9 all the files: sources, Makefile, a typescript and a data file with your test data. See below for naming conventions.
Naming conventions and files to submit (in Lab18):
  • Submit in Hw9, by Monday night (Nov. 20, midnight), all the files that are necessary for compiling, executing and proving the correctness of your code: header and implementation files, testdriver, makefile and a typescript.
    Ileana Streinu