CS 112
Homework 7
Due: Wednesday 11/8/2000 by 12:00 a.m.

The Problem, general description

Your task is to write a program to manage a queue (with some extra features, for extra credit). Roughly, it has the basic queue operations In and Out, Full and Empty, plus additional functions for telling what is the minimum or maximum element in the queue, and of searching for a certain element to see if it is in the queue.

Overview of what to implement

You have to implement the Queue class we discussed in class on Thursday. Then (for extra credit) you have to extend it with three more functions, called Min, Max and Search (for extra extra credit, do also Sort). These functions are doing exactly what they say. We implemented them before, but they worked for an array given contiguously, not for a circular queue. The challenge is to modify them to work for the circular queue, too. I want to see your thinking here, so I do not give any hints on what to do.


Your program should be organized as a class (IntQueue) for the queue operations, and a testdriver (testQueue) for performing the desired operations on the queue. The testdriver should have the (by now very familiar) menu-driven interface, allowing the user to add and remove items from the queue, test how big the queue is and print the queue.

If you do the extra credit part, you should notify me by email.

The IntQueue class should have: a constructor, a function to add an element in the queue called In and a function to get an element out of the queue called Out. Notice that these names are different from those used in the book. It should also have functions to test if the queue is empty or full, and a Print function to be used for testing purposes. The queue has to be implemented as a circular queue. You have to specify in the header what queue philosophy you are implementing, among the three we discussed in class on Thursday.

In addition to this basic structure, for extra credit it should contain three functions called Min, Max and Search. The testdriver should test all these functions on the queue.


Chapter 9 has the Queue Abstract data type, which you should use as reference, but implement the queue EXACTLY as I specified above. Your queue should contain only integers and be called IntQueue.

To submit

Submit in Hw7 all the files: sources, Makefile, a typescript and a data file with your test data. See below for naming conventions.
Naming conventions and files to submit (in Hw7):

Ileana Streinu