Agenda for DTS Meeting, 14 Jun 05 ================================= Schedule 10:30AM Errand; back @11:45AM. Tomorrow I leave Wed @ noon for NSF, back late Fri night. Admin Admin for the week: Gillian Women in Science description: Duc Web pages Please continue updating PROJECTS 3D Printing & Geometric Models ============================== daVinci Icosahedron, continuing Knitting needles + joints: design in progress Kepler punch bowl: start design Print run Tuesday/Wednesday? D-Forms ======= straight + straight theorem: Proof written, seems solid Ribbon curves question settled: All space curves are ribbon curves. [Must be known...] Pop-Up Books ============ POV-ray animation of medial plane rotation: in progress Medial plane angle != circle angle ... => MPEG? Faith card model; description, questions, etc. Swept surface: no apparent regularity [attached] Protein Folding =============== Ready to print acetylcholine receptor Interlocked Chains ================== Locked 11-chain + 2-chain -- built! Painting next Nearly-unit chains can lock for angle <= 60 Unclear for angles > 60 K'nex at angle between 60-90?