CS 330
General Homework and Project Instructions



  1. The final project will be handed in at the end of October.
  2. Partial steps towards completing the project will be built in into November homeworks.
  3. The final project work is under the same provisions as the homeworks - you can discuss ideas with study partners, but should do all the programming work without collaboration.
  4. During the first week of december (after the second midterm just before Thanksgiving), we will discuss in class various project-related ideas, possible solutions, problems.
  5. The last week of the semester is devoted to final project presentations and last minute debugging. This means that you cannot start working on the project at the very last minute, and assume that this will not affect your grade!
  6. A percentage of the final project grade comes from the quality of the written accompanying documentation and that of the final oral presentation.


Last updated on August 22, 1997.